Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Floor Tiles

I have just found a picture of what we are hoping our floor tiles will look like. Can't wait to see them!!


  1. We're looking to build the Hawthorne 31 too :) love the blog.. thanks for sharing

    how are things going now?

    How much extra did the ensuite shower upgrade cost? we love the idea!

    1. Hi Mark!! Thanks for the feedback and sorry for the delayed response!

      Things are going okay now we should have some more info tomorrow!! I will look through the pcvs and find the price for you :)

    2. I just spoke with my husband and he has said it is hard to give an exact price as we took out the bathtab so we were given credit, but he seems to think about $2000 for the glass panels and both rainforest shower heads :)
